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  • 【资源目录】:


    | ├──01 Overview

    | | └──01 Course Introduction.mp4 20.77M

    | ├──02 Introduction to Kali Linux

    | | ├──2-01 Installing Kali Linux.mp4 20.96M

    | | ├──2-02 Command Line Refresher.mp4 61.35M

    | | ├──2-03 Kali Linux Services.mp4 22.56M

    | | └──2-04 Bash Scripting in Kali Linux.mp4 50.77M

    | ├──03 Information Gathering

    | | └──3-01 Information Gathering.mp4 67.36M

    | ├──04 Scanning

    | | ├──4-01 TCP VS UDP.mp4 11.36M

    | | ├──4-02 Scanning with Nmap.mp4 191.68M

    | | ├──4-03 Scanning with Nessus.mp4 15.21M

    | | └──4-04 Scanning with Metasploit.mp4 74.25M

    | ├──05 Enumeration

    | | ├──5-01 Installing Kioptrix Level 1.mp4 11.84M

    | | ├──5-02 SSH Enumeration.mp4 74.42M

    | | ├──5-03 HTTP Enumeration.mp4 115.76M

    | | ├──5-04 SMB Enumeration.mp4 141.90M

    | | ├──5-05 DNS Enumeration.mp4 51.86M

    | | └──5-06 Other Enumeration.mp4 4.61M

    | ├──06 Netcat

    | | └──6-01 Introduction to Netcat.mp4 13.92M

    | ├──07 Buffer Overflows

    | | ├──7-01 Introduction to Buffer Overflows.mp4 7.44M

    | | ├──7-02 Fuzzing.mp4 22.10M

    | | ├──7-03 Finding the Offset.mp4 57.49M

    | | ├──7-04 Overwriting the EIP.mp4 13.32M

    | | ├──7-05 Finding Bad Characters.mp4 16.16M

    | | ├──7-06 Finding the Right Module.mp4 32.39M

    | | └──7-07 Generating ShellCode_Gaining Root.mp4 16.58M

    | ├──08 Exploitation

    | | ├──8-01 Gaining Root with Metasploit.mp4 57.91M

    | | ├──8-02 Compiling an Exploit.mp4 19.15M

    | | ├──8-03 Modifying Shellcode.mp4 166.74M

    | | ├──8-04 Client Side Attacks.mp4 80.64M

    | | ├──8-05 Java Applet Attacks.mp4 22.72M

    | | ├──8-06 Antivirus Bypassing.mp4 19.26M

    | | └──8-07 Pre-Exploit Password Attacks.mp4 107.86M

    | ├──09 WebApp Exploitation

    | | ├──9-01 Installing XSS_MySQL FILE.mp4 3.31M

    | | ├──9-02 Cross-Site Scripting(XSS).mp4 19.93M

    | | ├──9-03 SQL Injection (SQLi).mp4 62.98M

    | | ├──9-04 Local File Inclusion (LFI).mp4 38.10M

    | | └──9-05 Remote File Inclusion (RFI).mp4 24.35M

    | ├──10 File Transfers

    | | └──10-01 Introduction to File Transfers.mp4 58.33M

    | ├──11 Privilege Escalation

    | | └──11-01 Introduction to Privilege Escalation.mp4 223.69M

    | ├──12 Post Exploitation

    | | ├──12-01 Linux Post Exploitation.mp4 132.29M

    | | ├──12-02 Windows Post Exploitation.mp4 32.42M

    | | ├──12-03 Post-Exploit Password Attacks.mp4 84.79M

    | | └──12-04 Pivoting.mp4 54.80M

    | ├──13 Capstone

    | | ├──13-01 Kioptrix Level 1.1 Walkthrough.mp4 118.74M

    | | ├──13-02 BTRSys 2.1 Walkthrough.mp4 168.94M

    | | ├──13-03 DroopyCTF Walkthrough.mp4 128.58M

    | | └──13-04 SickOS 1.2 Walkthrough.mp4 161.34M

    | └──14 Summary

    | | └──14-01 Course Conclusion.mp4 12.45M


    | ├──OSCP报告模板.rar 5.74M

    | ├──OSCP备考指南.pdf 3.03M

    | ├──OSCP课程.txt 0.90kb

    | └──OSCP命令大全.md 94.63kb

    └──1-OSCP自学笔记-October靶机练习.pdf 1.80M

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