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    | ├──Promts

    | | └──Sora-AI视频全网最全收集-对应提示词.xlsx 18.65kb

    | ├──Videos

    | | ├──15.mp4 4.60M

    | | ├──18.mp4 2.22M

    | | ├──1ESXz6gPL_jYm6ox.mp4 2.79M

    | | ├──2r6R4jfZdso_d6YU.mp4 1.40M

    | | ├──6.mp4 2.79M

    | | ├──a-toy-robot-wearing-blue-jeans-and-a-white-t-shirt-taking-a-pleasant-stroll-in-Antarctica-during-a-beautiful-sunset.mp4 3.05M

    | | ├──a-woman-wearing-a-green-dress-and-a-sun-hat-taking-a-pleasant-stroll-in-Mumbai-India-during-a-beautiful-sunset.mp4 2.95M

    | | ├──a0.mp4 10.20M

    | | ├──a1.mp4 10.16M

    | | ├──a2.mp4 11.95M

    | | ├──amalfi-coast.mp4 8.45M

    | | ├──an-adorable-kangaroo-wearing-a-green-dress-and-a-sun-hat-taking-a-pleasant-stroll-in-Johannesburg-South-Africa-during-a-colorful-festival.mp4 3.92M

    | | ├──an-old-man-wearing-purple-overalls-and-cowboy-boots-taking-a-pleasant-stroll-in-Antarctica-during-a-winter-storm.mp4 2.32M

    | | ├──aquarium-nyc.mp4 21.46M

    | | ├──art-museum.mp4 4.03M

    | | ├──auBXTZ_s-sWYY4Xc.mp4 2.78M

    | | ├──b0.mp4 8.78M

    | | ├──b1.mp4 6.44M

    | | ├──b2.mp4 5.52M

    | | ├──backward-jogger.mp4 4.06M

    | | ├──basketball-explosion.mp4 1.79M

    | | ├──Beautiful, snowy Tokyo.mp4 50.56M

    | | ├──big-eyed-fluff-ball.mp4 9.56M

    | | ├──bike_1.mp4 7.50M

    | | ├──birds-over-river.mp4 10.76M

    | | ├──c0.mp4 7.90M

    | | ├──c1.mp4 8.19M

    | | ├──cat-on-bed.mp4 7.66M

    | | ├──CE6XePnWBZWTKNLc.mp4 3.76M

    | | ├──CFzxxpSCn8IaARWi.mp4 4.26M

    | | ├──chair-archaeology.mp4 6.39M

    | | ├──chameleon.mp4 8.64M

    | | ├──chinese-new-year-dragon.mp4 13.51M

    | | ├──closeup-man-in-glasses.mp4 8.88M

    | | ├──cloud-man.mp4 10.71M

    | | ├──d0.mp4 12.51M

    | | ├──d1.mp4 13.37M

    | | ├──d2.mp4 9.01M

    | | ├──dancing-kangaroo.mp4 2.83M

    | | ├──discussion_0.mp4 1.24M

    | | ├──dogs-downtown.mp4 5.84M

    | | ├──e0.mp4 6.56M

    | | ├──e1.mp4 8.72M

    | | ├──e2.mp4 14.65M

    | | ├──e3HK1GSUAgNxC2EY.mp4 4.04M

    | | ├──flower-blooming.mp4 1.29M

    | | ├──grandma-birthday.mp4 2.45M

    | | ├──happy-cat.mp4 7.18M

    | | ├──HWv91bL5DRAhAHz8_1.mp4 11.25M

    | | ├──italian-pup.mp4 4.92M

    | | ├──lagos.mp4 7.80M

    | | ├──LKvuCYNyu2IWkY8v.mp4 4.91M

    | | ├──monster-with-melting-candle.mp4 16.22M

    | | ├──octopus-and-crab.mp4 3.54M

    | | ├──Od5aGL5Ml4ycuR-x.mp4 5.18M

    | | ├──origami-undersea.mp4 61.51M

    | | ├──otter-on-surfboard.mp4 16.04M

    | | ├──OVgwFsijR_mmi6fY.mp4 2.24M

    | | ├──paper-airplanes.mp4 17.85M

    | | ├──petri-dish-pandas.mp4 2.39M

    | | ├──photoreal-train.mp4 3.82M

    | | ├──prompting_1.mp4 1.05M

    | | ├──prompting_3.mp4 947.04kb

    | | ├──prompting_5.mp4 564.00kb

    | | ├──prompting_7.mp4 5.19M

    | | ├──puppy-cloning.mp4 1.65M

    | | ├──rNiKCJeJyf8Ue4gS.mp4 2.82M

    | | ├──robot-video-game.mp4 10.48M

    | | ├──S18_Hii3-CRsx4Vo.mp4 1.51M

    | | ├──sampling_2.mp4 10.44M

    | | ├──santorini.mp4 3.98M

    | | ├──scaling_2.mp4 1.55M

    | | ├──Several giant wooly mammoths.mp4 12.42M

    | | ├──ships-in-coffee.mp4 13.59M

    | | ├──simulation_0.mp4 12.66M

    | | ├──simulation_1.mp4 6.62M

    | | ├──simulation_4.mp4 2.85M

    | | ├──simulation_5.mp4 2.58M

    | | ├──simulation_6.mp4 10.87M

    | | ├──simulation_7.mp4 12.34M

    | | ├──snow-dogs.mp4 15.43M

    | | ├──ssstwitter.com_1708024200398.mp4 3.75M

    | | ├──ssstwitter.com_1708024354050.mp4 2.96M

    | | ├──ssstwitter.com_1708027050964.mp4 2.83M

    | | ├──ssstwitter.com_1708027218755.mp4 2.04M

    | | ├──ssstwitter.com_1708242793064.mp4 6.04M

    | | ├──ssstwitter.com_1708295424095.mp4 1.88M

    | | ├──stack-of-tvs.mp4 11.14M

    | | ├──suv-in-the-dust.mp4 11.97M

    | | ├──tiny-construction.mp4 12.25M

    | | ├──tokyo-walk.mp4 46.20M

    | | ├──train-window.mp4 3.42M

    | | ├──tUfDESZsQFhdDW9S.mp4 4.41M

    | | ├──U7_eoLJ3HCUgIBu8.mp4 2.24M

    | | ├──uRkXLMR6UXciZNX8.mp4 3.30M

    | | ├──UST-fn-RvhJwMR5S.mp4 1.96M

    | | ├──victoria-crowned-pigeon.mp4 7.67M

    | | ├──vlogger-corgi.mp4 7.53M

    | | ├──wolves.mp4 4.62M

    | | ├──wwaEhwkd7vryYZLs.mp4 2.01M

    | | ├──wzXcdViEEYGvz6kv.mp4 3.74M

    | | ├──x-tDLpMBPun0BIYt.mp4 2.27M

    | | ├──XFQY4fgZUB6GMw9q.mp4 4.50M

    | | ├──Y-hqbC_qKQ6d7ZaN.mp4 3.46M

    | | ├──yDF9Gv87H3tnHRoG.mp4 5.20M

    | | ├──zgD5gULAiUj4Mmro.mp4 15.47M

    | | └──原搬运者弄太多水印了,我尽力去掉了一些……想要更多无水印版本请点这里.txt 0.10kb

    | └──这些视频全都可以拿来配音,二创,发到网上,很火.txt 0.16kb


    | ├──Sora大模型关于颜色和光线的提示词技巧.docx 17.41kb

    | ├──Sora对于动态元素的提示词技巧.docx 15.54kb

    | ├──Sora关于风格和艺术元素的提示词技巧.docx 15.24kb

    | ├──Sora关于情感氛围的提示词技巧.docx 15.84kb

    | ├──Sora关于情境细节的提示词技巧.docx 15.12kb

    | ├──Sora关于视频分镜的提示词技巧.docx 15.47kb

    | ├──Sora关于透视和角度的提示词技巧.docx 15.29kb

    | ├──sora关于详细描述的提示词技巧.docx 15.74kb

    | ├──sora明确主体的提示词技巧.docx 15.20kb

    | └──Sora模型关于背景详细的提示词技巧.docx 15.81kb


    | ├──sora学习论文-在线试看版

    | | ├──Adversarial Video Generation on Complex Datasets.pdf 9.50M

    | | ├──Align your Latents- High-Resolution Video Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models.pdf 11.50M

    | | ├──An Image is Worth 16×16 Words- Transformers for Image Recognition at Scale.pdf 3.57M

    | | ├──Attention Is All You Need.pdf 2.11M

    | | ├──Auto-Encoding Variational Bayes.pdf 3.74M

    | | ├──Deep Unsupervised Learning using Nonequilibrium Thermodynamics.pdf 4.15M

    | | ├──Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models.pdf 9.79M

    | | ├──Diffusion Models Beat GANs on Image Synthesis.pdf 37.95M

    | | ├──Elucidating the Design Space of Diffusion-Based Generative Models.pdf 18.32M

    | | ├──Generating Long Videos of Dynamic Scenes.pdf 10.35M

    | | ├──Generating Videos with Scene Dynamics.pdf 1.95M

    | | ├──Generative Pretraining From Pixels.pdf 2.00M

    | | ├──Hierarchical Text-Conditional Image Generation with CLIP Latents.pdf 40.92M

    | | ├──High-Resolution Image Synthesis with Latent Diffusion Models.pdf 38.95M

    | | ├──Imagen Video- High Definition Video Generation with Diffusion Models.pdf 8.48M

    | | ├──Improved Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Models.pdf 11.87M

    | | ├──Improving Image Generation with Better Captions.pdf 26.79M

    | | ├──Language Models are Few-Shot Learners.pdf 6.45M

    | | ├──Masked Autoencoders Are Scalable Vision Learners.pdf 7.10M

    | | ├──MoCoGAN- Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation-3937c3d806cb.pdf 6.40M

    | | ├──MoCoGAN- Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation.pdf 2.87M

    | | ├──NUWA- Visual Synthesis Pre-training for Neural visUal World creAtion .pdf 7.01M

    | | ├──Patch n’ Pack- NaViT, a Vision Transformer for any Aspect Ratio and Resolution.pdf 1.77M

    | | ├──Photorealistic Video Generation with Diffusion Models.pdf 5.52M

    | | ├──Recurrent Environment Simulators.pdf 8.02M

    | | ├──Scalable Diffusion Models with Transformers .pdf 41.79M

    | | ├──Scaling Autoregressive Models for Content-Rich Text-to-Image Generation.pdf 48.66M

    | | ├──SDEdit- Guided Image Synthesis and Editing with Stochastic Differential Equations .pdf 11.83M

    | | ├──Unsupervised Learning of Video Representations using LSTMs.pdf 2.19M

    | | ├──VideoGPT- Video Generation using VQ-VAE and Transformers.pdf 2.61M

    | | ├──ViViT- A Video Vision Transformer.pdf 4.55M

    | | ├──World Models.pdf 3.00M

    | | └──Zero-Shot Text-to-Image Generation.pdf 9.66M

    | ├──sora学习论文-打包防和谐.exe 361.41M

    | └──sora学习论文-打包防和谐.zip 370.14M


    | ├──1、前言

    | | └──2、本教程的目标与学习内容.docx 14.79kb

    | ├──2、基础篇:了解提示词

    | | ├──2、不同类型的提示词及其作用

    | | ├──1、提示词的定义与功能.docx 14.94kb

    | | └──3、如何选择适合视频主题的提示词.docx 15.86kb

    | ├──3、进阶篇:构建高效提示词

    | | ├──1、关键词优化技巧

    | | ├──2、情感引导与观众共鸣

    | | └──3、指令性提示词的巧妙运用

    | ├──4、高级篇:提示词与视频创作的融合

    | | ├──1、创意启发:利用提示词激发创作灵感.docx 15.68kb

    | | ├──2、叙事构建:通过提示词规划视频结构和节奏.docx 17.68kb

    | | └──3、风格塑造:通过提示词实现视频风格的多样化.docx 15.87kb

    | ├──5、实战篇:案例分析与操作指导

    | | ├──根据生成结果调整和优化提示词的策略.docx 15.60kb

    | | ├──利用Sora文生视频模型生成视频内容.docx 17.73kb

    | | └──针对不同主题的视频进行提示词设计.docx 16.56kb

    | └──6、总结与展望

    | | ├──Sora文生视频模型与提示词未来的发展趋势.docx 14.93kb

    | | └──本教程所学内容的回顾与总结.docx 14.04kb


    | ├──场景篇.xlsx 13.14kb

    | ├──动作与姿态偏.xlsx 14.43kb

    | ├──故事线索篇.xlsx 17.70kb

    | ├──特殊环境篇.xlsx 12.43kb

    | └──天气篇.xlsx 14.28kb

    ├──SoraAI视频工具优先体验资格.docx 128.09kb

    ├──SORA五个快速变现方向.docx 16.10kb

    └──关于Sora:什么是Sora?一文带你看懂Sora!.txt 0.05kb

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    • 13320会员总数(位)
    • 39144资源总数(个)
    • 23本周发布(个)
    • 5今日发布(个)
    • 3542稳定运行(天)


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