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    本课程将带您深入了解PlayStation编程的世界!我们将探索PS1硬件,理解其各子组件,并学习如何使用MIPS汇编器及C编程语言来编写游戏。此外,我们还将学习如何结合使用PS1 SDK库与现代开发工具链,以提高生产力,让我们的游戏主机快速输出多边形。


    即将迈入32位游戏主机的第五世代,这一时代带来了诸多技术里程碑,比如基于RISC架构的CPU的应用,以及更倾向于使用高级语言而非纯汇编语言编写游戏的趋势。课程初期,我们将从MIPS汇编的基础学起,逐步进阶至利用C编译器配合PS1 SDK进行最终项目的开发。


    ├──001. Starting our Journey.mp4 101.92M

    ├──001. Starting our Journey.srt 17.08kb

    ├──002. How to Take this Course.mp4 4.32M

    ├──002. How to Take this Course.srt 3.86kb

    ├──002. How to Take this Course.vtt 4.14kb

    ├──003. Placing the PlayStation in History.mp4 90.94M

    ├──003. Placing the PlayStation in History.srt 14.26kb

    ├──003. Placing the PlayStation in History.vtt 15.07kb

    ├──004. PS1 Hardware Overview.srt 20.13kb

    ├──004. PS1 Hardware Overview.vtt 21.52kb

    ├──005. The MIPS CPU.mp4 43.08M

    ├──005. The MIPS CPU.srt 13.59kb

    ├──005. The MIPS CPU.vtt 14.57kb

    ├──006. Memory & Endianness.mp4 30.97M

    ├──006. Memory & Endianness.srt 9.97kb

    ├──006. Memory & Endianness.vtt 10.75kb

    ├──007. Memory Map.mp4 30.66M

    ├──007. Memory Map.srt 17.02kb

    ├──007. Memory Map.vtt 17.94kb

    ├──008. CPU Registers & Load Instructions.mp4 81.32M

    ├──008. CPU Registers & Load Instructions.srt 20.72kb

    ├──009. Store, Add, & Subtract Instructions.mp4 42.22M

    ├──009. Store, Add, & Subtract Instructions.srt 9.80kb

    ├──009. Store, Add, & Subtract Instructions.vtt 10.18kb

    ├──010. Jump & Branch Instructions.mp4 35.06M

    ├──010. Jump & Branch Instructions.srt 11.05kb

    ├──010. Jump & Branch Instructions.vtt 11.09kb

    ├──011. Exercise Our First MIPS Code.mp4 18.45M

    ├──011. Exercise Our First MIPS Code.srt 4.16kb

    ├──011. Exercise Our First MIPS Code.vtt 4.29kb

    ├──012. Going Over Our First MIPS Code.mp4 26.29M

    ├──012. Going Over Our First MIPS Code.srt 6.58kb

    ├──012. Going Over Our First MIPS Code.vtt 6.57kb

    ├──013. Installing the ARMIPS Assembler.mp4 34.70M

    ├──013. Installing the ARMIPS Assembler.vtt 8.57kb

    ├──014. Assembling our MIPS Code.mp4 7.40M

    ├──014. Assembling our MIPS Code.srt 6.28kb

    ├──014. Assembling our MIPS Code.vtt 6.29kb

    ├──015. PSX-EXE File Format.srt 5.46kb

    ├──015. PSX-EXE File Format.vtt 5.48kb

    ├──016. Emulator & Step-By-Step Execution.mp4 33.02M

    ├──016. Emulator & Step-By-Step Execution.srt 9.56kb

    ├──016. Emulator & Step-By-Step Execution.vtt 9.62kb

    ├──017. Fixing Off-By-One Error.mp4 10.29M

    ├──017. Fixing Off-By-One Error.vtt 4.58kb

    ├──018. Pseudo-Instructions.mp4 34.24M

    ├──018. Pseudo-Instructions.srt 10.19kb

    ├──018. Pseudo-Instructions.vtt 10.69kb

    ├──019. The MIPS Pipeline.mp4 66.19M

    ├──019. The MIPS Pipeline.vtt 15.22kb

    ├──020. Some Warm Up Exercises.mp4 17.43M

    ├──020. Some Warm Up Exercises.srt 9.48kb

    ├──020. Some Warm Up Exercises.vtt 10.22kb

    ├──021. Solving our Warm Up Exercises.mp4 43.22M

    ├──021. Solving our Warm Up Exercises.srt 20.37kb

    ├──022. Register Shorthand.mp4 22.98M

    ├──022. Register Shorthand.srt 6.66kb

    ├──022. Register Shorthand.vtt 7.06kb

    ├──023. Factorial Exercise.mp4 24.59M

    ├──023. Factorial Exercise.srt 7.30kb

    ├──023. Factorial Exercise.vtt 7.68kb

    ├──024. Solving our Factorial Exercise.mp4 40.56M

    ├──024. Solving our Factorial Exercise.srt 11.88kb

    ├──024. Solving our Factorial Exercise.vtt 12.13kb

    ├──025. Factorial Subroutine.mp4 40.00M

    ├──025. Factorial Subroutine.srt 13.63kb

    ├──025. Factorial Subroutine.vtt 14.22kb

    ├──026. Negative Numbers.mp4 40.79M

    ├──026. Negative Numbers.srt 16.02kb

    ├──026. Negative Numbers.vtt 16.85kb

    ├──027. Sign Extension.mp4 29.87M

    ├──027. Sign Extension.srt 9.58kb

    ├──027. Sign Extension.vtt 10.09kb

    ├──028. Logical Instructions.mp4 28.28M

    ├──028. Logical Instructions.srt 8.91kb

    ├──029. Bitshifting Instructions.mp4 32.14M

    ├──029. Bitshifting Instructions.srt 13.01kb

    ├──029. Bitshifting Instructions.vtt 14.04kb

    ├──030. Examples of CISC & RISC Machines.mp4 38.67M

    ├──030. Examples of CISC & RISC Machines.srt 8.99kb

    ├──030. Examples of CISC & RISC Machines.vtt 9.33kb

    ├──031. CISC vs RISC Instructions.mp4 81.97M

    ├──031. CISC vs RISC Instructions.srt 23.06kb

    ├──032. The PlayStation Graphics System.mp4 77.40M

    ├──032. The PlayStation Graphics System.vtt 25.42kb

    ├──033. Drawing Primitives.mp4 36.17M

    ├──033. Drawing Primitives.vtt 8.06kb

    ├──034. GPU Packets.mp4 66.17M

    ├──034. GPU Packets.srt 17.17kb

    ├──035. Sending Display Control Packets to GP1.mp4 81.47M

    ├──035. Sending Display Control Packets to GP1.srt 25.13kb

    ├──035. Sending Display Control Packets to GP1.vtt 26.08kb

    ├──036. Sending VRAM Access Packets to GP0.mp4 33.16M

    ├──036. Sending VRAM Access Packets to GP0.srt 9.84kb

    ├──036. Sending VRAM Access Packets to GP0.vtt 10.20kb

    ├──037. Clear Display Area.mp4 26.87M

    ├──037. Clear Display Area.srt 9.40kb

    ├──037. Clear Display Area.vtt 9.34kb

    ├──038. Drawing a Flat-Shaded Triangle.mp4 18.31M

    ├──038. Drawing a Flat-Shaded Triangle.srt 6.57kb

    ├──038. Drawing a Flat-Shaded Triangle.vtt 6.48kb

    ├──039. Drawing a Flat-Shaded Quad.mp4 11.84M

    ├──039. Drawing a Flat-Shaded Quad.srt 3.97kb

    ├──039. Drawing a Flat-Shaded Quad.vtt 3.85kb

    ├──040. Drawing a Gouraud-Shaded Triangle.mp4 9.21M

    ├──040. Drawing a Gouraud-Shaded Triangle.srt 2.50kb

    ├──040. Drawing a Gouraud-Shaded Triangle.vtt 2.51kb

    ├──041. Flat-Shaded Triangle Subroutine.mp4 49.37M

    ├──041. Flat-Shaded Triangle Subroutine.srt 18.01kb

    ├──041. Flat-Shaded Triangle Subroutine.vtt 18.34kb

    ├──042. Coding our Flat Triangle Subroutine.mp4 19.81M

    ├──042. Coding our Flat Triangle Subroutine.srt 6.43kb

    ├──042. Coding our Flat Triangle Subroutine.vtt 6.50kb

    ├──043. Stack & Stack Pointer.mp4 42.51M

    ├──043. Stack & Stack Pointer.srt 15.35kb

    ├──043. Stack & Stack Pointer.vtt 15.97kb

    ├──044. Stack Parameters.mp4 24.55M

    ├──044. Stack Parameters.srt 9.65kb

    ├──044. Stack Parameters.vtt 9.93kb

    ├──045. Stack & Heap Space.mp4 39.42M

    ├──045. Stack & Heap Space.srt 7.49kb

    ├──045. Stack & Heap Space.vtt 7.85kb

    ├──046. Variables.srt 11.72kb

    ├──047. Variable Alignment.mp4 20.15M

    ├──047. Variable Alignment.srt 9.98kb

    ├──047. Variable Alignment.vtt 10.34kb

    ├──048. Vector Alignment.mp4 62.64M

    ├──048. Vector Alignment.srt 18.90kb

    ├──048. Vector Alignment.vtt 19.63kb

    ├──049. Copying Image Data to VRAM.mp4 103.38M

    ├──049. Copying Image Data to VRAM.srt 30.46kb

    ├──049. Copying Image Data to VRAM.vtt 31.55kb

    ├──050. Using Bitshifting to Multiply & Divide.mp4 32.99M

    ├──050. Using Bitshifting to Multiply & Divide.vtt 9.74kb

    ├──051. 24BPP Display Mode.mp4 59.12M

    ├──051. 24BPP Display Mode.srt 18.77kb

    ├──051. 24BPP Display Mode.vtt 19.07kb

    ├──052. Taking Advantage of our Delay Slots.mp4 28.78M

    ├──052. Taking Advantage of our Delay Slots.srt 8.53kb

    ├──052. Taking Advantage of our Delay Slots.vtt 8.77kb

    ├──053. Moving from MIPS Assembly to C.mp4 25.86M

    ├──053. Moving from MIPS Assembly to C.srt 8.36kb

    ├──053. Moving from MIPS Assembly to C.vtt 8.89kb

    ├──054. Installing Tools on Windows 11.mp4 46.54M

    ├──054. Installing Tools on Windows 11.srt 20.26kb

    ├──054. Installing Tools on Windows 11.vtt 20.83kb

    ├──055. Installing Tools on Windows XP.mp4 66.76M

    ├──055. Installing Tools on Windows XP.srt 29.08kb

    ├──055. Installing Tools on Windows XP.vtt 30.54kb

    ├──056. Compiling a Simple Psy-Q Project.mp4 33.98M

    ├──056. Compiling a Simple Psy-Q Project.vtt 17.12kb

    ├──057. Double-Buffer Screen.srt 39.35kb

    ├──057. Double-Buffer Screen.vtt 40.91kb

    ├──058. Psy-Q Integer Data Types.mp4 14.25M

    ├──058. Psy-Q Integer Data Types.srt 5.38kb

    ├──058. Psy-Q Integer Data Types.vtt 5.50kb

    ├──059. Psy-Q Primitive Types.srt 10.62kb

    ├──059. Psy-Q Primitive Types.vtt 10.73kb

    ├──060. Ordering Table & Primitive Buffer.mp4 61.83M

    ├──060. Ordering Table & Primitive Buffer.srt 26.27kb

    ├──060. Ordering Table & Primitive Buffer.vtt 27.35kb

    ├──061. Sorting Primitives into the OT.mp4 47.86M

    ├──061. Sorting Primitives into the OT.srt 22.01kb

    ├──061. Sorting Primitives into the OT.vtt 22.32kb

    ├──062. Sorting a Gouraud Quad into the OT.mp4 25.12M

    ├──062. Sorting a Gouraud Quad into the OT.srt 8.21kb

    ├──063. A Review of Pointers.mp4 64.45M

    ├──063. A Review of Pointers.srt 18.50kb

    ├──064. The Arrow Operator.srt 17.02kb

    ├──065. A Review of 3D Projection.srt 24.19kb

    ├──065. A Review of 3D Projection.vtt 25.47kb

    ├──066. Vertices & Face Indices.mp4 52.57M

    ├──066. Vertices & Face Indices.vtt 18.89kb

    ├──067. The Geometry Transformation Engine.mp4 19.92M

    ├──067. The Geometry Transformation Engine.srt 10.63kb

    ├──067. The Geometry Transformation Engine.vtt 11.54kb

    ├──068. Basic 3D Transformations.mp4 45.86M

    ├──068. Basic 3D Transformations.srt 15.76kb

    ├──068. Basic 3D Transformations.vtt 16.53kb

    ├──069. RotTransPers Function.mp4 70.44M

    ├──069. RotTransPers Function.srt 23.36kb

    ├──069. RotTransPers Function.vtt 24.84kb

    ├──070. Coding a Rotating 3D Cube.mp4 54.98M

    ├──070. Coding a Rotating 3D Cube.srt 20.80kb

    ├──070. Coding a Rotating 3D Cube.vtt 21.61kb

    ├──071. Normal Clip.mp4 26.15M

    ├──071. Normal Clip.vtt 9.67kb

    ├──072. Coding Quads as Cube Faces.mp4 12.56M

    ├──072. Coding Quads as Cube Faces.srt 4.60kb

    ├──072. Coding Quads as Cube Faces.vtt 4.53kb

    ├──073. Reviewing Floating-Point Numbers.srt 21.86kb

    ├──073. Reviewing Floating-Point Numbers.vtt 23.74kb

    ├──074. Fixed-Point Numbers.mp4 48.52M

    ├──074. Fixed-Point Numbers.srt 21.86kb

    ├──074. Fixed-Point Numbers.vtt 24.07kb

    ├──075. Implementing a Bouncing Cube.mp4 52.08M

    ├──075. Implementing a Bouncing Cube.srt 15.23kb

    ├──075. Implementing a Bouncing Cube.vtt 16.18kb

    ├──076. Different Transform Matrix per Object.mp4 60.67M

    ├──076. Different Transform Matrix per Object.vtt 25.26kb

    ├──077. Wait, Can I use Floats.mp4 6.12M

    ├──077. Wait, Can I use Floats.srt 3.58kb

    ├──077. Wait, Can I use Floats.vtt 3.73kb

    ├──078. GTE Register Set.mp4 38.56M

    ├──078. GTE Register Set.srt 14.08kb

    ├──078. GTE Register Set.vtt 15.11kb

    ├──079. Inline GTE Instructions.mp4 62.87M

    ├──079. Inline GTE Instructions.srt 20.55kb

    ├──079. Inline GTE Instructions.vtt 21.22kb

    ├──080. RTPT vs. RTPS.mp4 34.35M

    ├──080. RTPT vs. RTPS.srt 10.80kb

    ├──080. RTPT vs. RTPS.vtt 11.10kb

    ├──081. Reading Joypad State.mp4 65.96M

    ├──081. Reading Joypad State.srt 25.99kb

    ├──081. Reading Joypad State.vtt 27.44kb

    ├──082. Joypad Input with BIOS Functions.mp4 79.94M

    ├──082. Joypad Input with BIOS Functions.srt 25.27kb

    ├──082. Joypad Input with BIOS Functions.vtt 25.35kb

    ├──083. Joypad Header & Implementation.mp4 90.43M

    ├──083. Joypad Header & Implementation.srt 29.34kb

    ├──083. Joypad Header & Implementation.vtt 30.29kb

    ├──084. Header File for OT & Primitive Buffer.mp4 79.70M

    ├──084. Header File for OT & Primitive Buffer.srt 33.71kb

    ├──085. Header File for Display Routines.mp4 25.82M

    ├──085. Header File for Display Routines.srt 8.76kb

    ├──086. Camera Space.mp4 54.80M

    ├──086. Camera Space.srt 15.93kb

    ├──086. Camera Space.vtt 17.04kb

    ├──087. The Look-At Transformation.mp4 73.91M

    ├──087. The Look-At Transformation.srt 22.37kb

    ├──088. The LookAt Function.mp4 66.73M

    ├──088. The LookAt Function.srt 22.72kb

    ├──088. The LookAt Function.vtt 24.81kb

    ├──089. Coding the Look-At Camera Model.mp4 83.63M

    ├──089. Coding the Look-At Camera Model.srt 26.26kb

    ├──089. Coding the Look-At Camera Model.vtt 27.29kb

    ├──090. CD-ROM Basics.mp4 65.21M

    ├──090. CD-ROM Basics.vtt 30.44kb

    ├──091. Generating an ISO on Windows XP.srt 19.48kb

    ├──091. Generating an ISO on Windows XP.vtt 19.91kb

    ├──092. Generating an ISO on Windows 11.mp4 32.70M

    ├──092. Generating an ISO on Windows 11.srt 11.28kb

    ├──092. Generating an ISO on Windows 11.vtt 11.29kb

    ├──093. A Function to Read Files from the CD.mp4 93.63M

    ├──093. A Function to Read Files from the CD.srt 29.01kb

    ├──093. A Function to Read Files from the CD.vtt 30.11kb

    ├──094. Understanding the MODEL.BIN File.mp4 23.87M

    ├──094. Understanding the MODEL.BIN File.srt 9.78kb

    ├──094. Understanding the MODEL.BIN File.vtt 10.03kb

    ├──095. Dynamically Allocating Buffers.mp4 49.81M

    ├──095. Dynamically Allocating Buffers.srt 12.02kb

    ├──095. Dynamically Allocating Buffers.vtt 12.36kb

    ├──096. Heap Initialization on Windows 11.srt 8.35kb

    ├──097. Interpreting Bytes as Numbers.mp4 72.29M

    ├──097. Interpreting Bytes as Numbers.srt 20.16kb

    ├──097. Interpreting Bytes as Numbers.vtt 20.59kb

    ├──098. Handling Different Order of Bytes.mp4 47.08M

    ├──098. Handling Different Order of Bytes.srt 12.70kb

    ├──098. Handling Different Order of Bytes.vtt 12.91kb

    ├──099. Reading Vertices & Faces from a File.mp4 51.18M

    ├──099. Reading Vertices & Faces from a File.srt 18.58kb

    ├──099. Reading Vertices & Faces from a File.vtt 19.00kb

    ├──100. UV Coordinates, TPAGE, & CLUT.mp4 61.13M

    ├──100. UV Coordinates, TPAGE, & CLUT.srt 23.34kb

    ├──100. UV Coordinates, TPAGE, & CLUT.vtt 24.72kb

    ├──101. Installing TIM Tool.mp4 7.65M

    ├──101. Installing TIM Tool.srt 4.87kb

    ├──101. Installing TIM Tool.vtt 4.98kb

    ├──102. TIM File Format.mp4 25.85M

    ├──102. TIM File Format.vtt 15.26kb

    ├──103. Read TIM File from the CD.mp4 75.61M

    ├──103. Read TIM File from the CD.srt 27.47kb

    ├──103. Read TIM File from the CD.vtt 27.88kb

    ├──104. Textured Cube Faces.srt 23.04kb

    ├──104. Textured Cube Faces.vtt 23.60kb

    ├──105. Wobbly Textures.mp4 100.18M

    ├──105. Wobbly Textures.srt 15.62kb

    ├──105. Wobbly Textures.vtt 16.68kb

    ├──106. Polygon Jitter.mp4 8.73M

    ├──106. Polygon Jitter.srt 3.62kb

    ├──106. Polygon Jitter.vtt 3.91kb

    ├──107. Dev Tools CD Samples.mp4 41.19M

    ├──107. Dev Tools CD Samples.srt 11.02kb

    ├──107. Dev Tools CD Samples.vtt 11.38kb

    ├──108. Intro to our Final Project.mp4 80.92M

    ├──108. Intro to our Final Project.srt 13.68kb

    ├──109. Importing Project Assets.mp4 9.21M

    ├──109. Importing Project Assets.srt 5.44kb

    ├──110. PRM File Layout.mp4 49.00M

    ├──110. PRM File Layout.srt 17.92kb

    ├──110. PRM File Layout.vtt 18.57kb

    ├──111. Reading Object Name from PRM File.mp4 55.21M

    ├──111. Reading Object Name from PRM File.srt 18.42kb

    ├──111. Reading Object Name from PRM File.vtt 19.19kb

    ├──112. Reading Vertices from PRM File.mp4 41.33M

    ├──112. Reading Vertices from PRM File.vtt 15.77kb

    ├──113. Handling Different Primitive Types.mp4 103.01M

    ├──113. Handling Different Primitive Types.srt 24.86kb

    ├──113. Handling Different Primitive Types.vtt 25.78kb

    ├──114. Reading Primitives from PRM File.mp4 58.35M

    ├──114. Reading Primitives from PRM File.srt 17.81kb

    ├──114. Reading Primitives from PRM File.vtt 18.32kb

    ├──115. Drawing Flat-Shaded Object Faces.mp4 103.84M

    ├──115. Drawing Flat-Shaded Object Faces.srt 33.40kb

    ├──116. Using sizeof with Variable Name.mp4 11.47M

    ├──116. Using sizeof with Variable Name.srt 3.37kb

    ├──116. Using sizeof with Variable Name.vtt 3.58kb

    ├──117. CMP File Layout.mp4 68.74M

    ├──117. CMP File Layout.srt 15.25kb

    ├──117. CMP File Layout.vtt 16.17kb

    ├──118. Reading Number of Textures from File.mp4 29.68M

    ├──118. Reading Number of Textures from File.srt 8.77kb

    ├──118. Reading Number of Textures from File.vtt 9.07kb

    ├──119. Reading TIM Sizes from File.mp4 60.10M

    ├──119. Reading TIM Sizes from File.srt 18.22kb

    ├──119. Reading TIM Sizes from File.vtt 19.05kb

    ├──120. A Function to Extract LZSS Data.mp4 33.58M

    ├──120. A Function to Extract LZSS Data.srt 15.02kb

    ├──120. A Function to Extract LZSS Data.vtt 15.52kb

    ├──121. Texture Structs.mp4 47.34M

    ├──121. Texture Structs.srt 18.81kb

    ├──121. Texture Structs.vtt 20.03kb

    ├──122. Uploading CMP Textures to VRAM.mp4 63.00M

    ├──122. Uploading CMP Textures to VRAM.srt 23.75kb

    ├──122. Uploading CMP Textures to VRAM.vtt 24.58kb

    ├──123. Global Texture Store Array.mp4 75.36M

    ├──123. Global Texture Store Array.srt 16.80kb

    ├──123. Global Texture Store Array.vtt 17.39kb

    ├──124. Rendering Textured Triangles.srt 7.84kb

    ├──124. Rendering Textured Triangles.vtt 8.09kb

    ├──125. Visualizing Textured 3D Objects.mp4 40.50M

    ├──125. Visualizing Textured 3D Objects.srt 9.46kb

    ├──126. Loading Multiple CMP Files.mp4 59.49M

    ├──126. Loading Multiple CMP Files.srt 14.63kb

    ├──126. Loading Multiple CMP Files.vtt 15.15kb

    ├──127. Exercise Linked List of Objects.mp4 29.74M

    ├──127. Exercise Linked List of Objects.srt 10.22kb

    ├──127. Exercise Linked List of Objects.vtt 11.11kb

    ├──128. Linked List Implementation.mp4 61.49M

    ├──128. Linked List Implementation.vtt 22.05kb

    ├──129. Joypad Press & Release.mp4 8.97M

    ├──129. Joypad Press & Release.srt 3.54kb

    ├──129. Joypad Press & Release.vtt 3.60kb

    ├──130. Reading Scene Objects from CD.mp4 98.35M

    ├──130. Reading Scene Objects from CD.srt 26.99kb

    ├──130. Reading Scene Objects from CD.vtt 27.92kb

    ├──131. Camera-Object Distance Check.mp4 41.10M

    ├──131. Camera-Object Distance Check.srt 14.66kb

    ├──131. Camera-Object Distance Check.vtt 15.25kb

    ├──132. Drawing Scene Objects.mp4 52.01M

    ├──132. Drawing Scene Objects.vtt 12.64kb

    ├──133. Track Sections & Faces.mp4 66.24M

    ├──133. Track Sections & Faces.vtt 22.44kb

    ├──134. Structs for Sessions & Faces.mp4 23.47M

    ├──134. Structs for Sessions & Faces.srt 9.26kb

    ├──134. Structs for Sessions & Faces.vtt 9.65kb

    ├──135. Reading Vertices, Faces, & Sections.mp4 73.84M

    ├──135. Reading Vertices, Faces, & Sections.srt 27.72kb

    ├──136. Function to Render Track Sections.mp4 96.49M

    ├──136. Function to Render Track Sections.srt 28.11kb

    ├──136. Function to Render Track Sections.vtt 29.25kb

    ├──137. Shrinking Track Vertices.srt 16.94kb

    ├──137. Shrinking Track Vertices.vtt 17.50kb

    ├──138. Exercise Testing Face Flags.mp4 26.40M

    ├──138. Exercise Testing Face Flags.srt 6.53kb

    ├──138. Exercise Testing Face Flags.vtt 6.85kb

    ├──139. Drawing Quad Lines.mp4 28.19M

    ├──139. Drawing Quad Lines.srt 7.76kb

    ├──139. Drawing Quad Lines.vtt 7.80kb

    ├──140. Avoiding the GTE 16-bit Limitation.mp4 67.02M

    ├──140. Avoiding the GTE 16-bit Limitation.srt 15.64kb

    ├──140. Avoiding the GTE 16-bit Limitation.vtt 16.88kb

    ├──141. Clamping Overflow Values.srt 22.13kb

    ├──141. Clamping Overflow Values.vtt 23.31kb

    ├──142. Loading Track Texture Tiles.mp4 101.76M

    ├──142. Loading Track Texture Tiles.srt 30.96kb

    ├──142. Loading Track Texture Tiles.vtt 32.28kb

    ├──143. Manually Position Textures in VRAM.mp4 80.09M

    ├──143. Manually Position Textures in VRAM.vtt 20.40kb

    ├──144. Loading Track Face UV Coords.mp4 46.25M

    ├──144. Loading Track Face UV Coords.vtt 12.66kb

    ├──145. Flip Face Texture.mp4 25.18M

    ├──145. Flip Face Texture.srt 7.88kb

    ├──145. Flip Face Texture.vtt 7.94kb

    ├──146. Tessellation & Polygon Subdivision.srt 19.98kb

    ├──146. Tessellation & Polygon Subdivision.vtt 21.01kb

    ├──147. Drawing Quads Recursively.mp4 37.86M

    ├──147. Drawing Quads Recursively.srt 18.26kb

    ├──147. Drawing Quads Recursively.vtt 18.94kb

    ├──148. A Function to Draw Quads Recursively.mp4 75.94M

    ├──148. A Function to Draw Quads Recursively.srt 16.36kb

    ├──148. A Function to Draw Quads Recursively.vtt 17.16kb

    ├──149. Subdividing UV Coordinates.mp4 48.99M

    ├──149. Subdividing UV Coordinates.srt 14.27kb

    ├──149. Subdividing UV Coordinates.vtt 14.79kb

    ├──150. T-junctions.mp4 126.20M

    ├──150. T-junctions.srt 19.82kb

    ├──150. T-junctions.vtt 20.78kb

    ├──code.zip 1.14G

    └──PS1 Programming with MIPS Assembly & C.txt 4.01kb

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