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  • 文章介绍
  • 【资源目录】:

    ├──1. Introduction

    | ├──1. Course content.mp4 102.89M

    | ├──1. Course content.srt 19.99kb

    | └──2. Google Drive folder.html 0.35kb

    ├──10. Object detection with YOLO

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 14.27M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 3.77kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Additional reading.html 0.55kb

    | ├──2. YOLO – intuition.mp4 28.69M

    | ├──2. YOLO – intuition.srt 9.19kb

    | ├──3. Downloading and compiling Darknet.mp4 38.20M

    | ├──3. Downloading and compiling Darknet.srt 9.29kb

    | ├──4. Testing the detector.mp4 81.47M

    | ├──4. Testing the detector.srt 15.07kb

    | ├──5. Darknet and GPU.mp4 70.47M

    | ├──5. Darknet and GPU.srt 12.50kb

    | ├──6. Threshold and ext_output parameters.mp4 87.91M

    | ├──6. Threshold and ext_output parameters.srt 11.38kb

    | ├──7. Detecting objects in videos.mp4 62.16M

    | ├──7. Detecting objects in videos.srt 11.19kb

    | ├──8. HOMEWORK.html 0.44kb

    | ├──9. Homework solution.mp4 27.30M

    | └──9. Homework solution.srt 3.50kb

    ├──11. Recognition of gestures and actions

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 18.34M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 4.81kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. HOMEWORK.html 0.59kb

    | ├──11. Homework solution.mp4 41.22M

    | ├──11. Homework solution.srt 6.49kb

    | ├──12. Additional reading.html 0.88kb

    | ├──2. Gestures and actions recognition – intuition.mp4 59.70M

    | ├──2. Gestures and actions recognition – intuition.srt 10.44kb

    | ├──3. Importing the libraries and the image.mp4 56.57M

    | ├──3. Importing the libraries and the image.srt 12.69kb

    | ├──4. Loading the pre-trained neural network.mp4 27.14M

    | ├──4. Loading the pre-trained neural network.srt 6.98kb

    | ├──5. Predicting body points 1.mp4 121.48M

    | ├──5. Predicting body points 1.srt 24.35kb

    | ├──6. Predicting body points 2.mp4 46.64M

    | ├──6. Predicting body points 2.srt 7.02kb

    | ├──7. Detecting gestures in images.mp4 107.97M

    | ├──7. Detecting gestures in images.srt 16.41kb

    | ├──8. Detecting gestures in videos 1.mp4 35.45M

    | ├──8. Detecting gestures in videos 1.srt 9.16kb

    | ├──9. Detecting gestures in videos 2.mp4 64.95M

    | └──9. Detecting gestures in videos 2.srt 9.56kb

    ├──12. Deep dream

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 25.40M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 4.85kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. HOMEWORK.html 0.46kb

    | ├──11. Homework solution.mp4 22.18M

    | ├──11. Homework solution.srt 4.24kb

    | ├──12. Additional reading.html 0.37kb

    | ├──2. Deep dream – intuition.mp4 35.24M

    | ├──2. Deep dream – intuition.srt 9.70kb

    | ├──3. Loading the InceptionNet network.mp4 75.84M

    | ├──3. Loading the InceptionNet network.srt 18.01kb

    | ├──4. Loading and preprocessing the image.mp4 44.63M

    | ├──4. Loading and preprocessing the image.srt 13.31kb

    | ├──5. Getting the activations.mp4 37.21M

    | ├──5. Getting the activations.srt 9.43kb

    | ├──6. Calculating the loss.mp4 41.64M

    | ├──6. Calculating the loss.srt 10.79kb

    | ├──7. Gradient ascent 1.mp4 44.70M

    | ├──7. Gradient ascent 1.srt 13.44kb

    | ├──8. Gradient ascent 2.mp4 27.40M

    | ├──8. Gradient ascent 2.srt 7.06kb

    | ├──9. Generating images.mp4 90.29M

    | └──9. Generating images.srt 11.75kb

    ├──13. Style transfer

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 14.59M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 4.50kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Training the neural network 2.mp4 120.81M

    | ├──10. Training the neural network 2.srt 21.20kb

    | ├──11. Visualizing the result.mp4 32.90M

    | ├──11. Visualizing the result.srt 5.52kb

    | ├──12. HOMEWORK.html 0.50kb

    | ├──13. Homework solution.mp4 40.86M

    | ├──13. Homework solution.srt 6.45kb

    | ├──14. Additional reading.html 0.54kb

    | ├──2. Style transfer – intuition.mp4 40.20M

    | ├──2. Style transfer – intuition.srt 8.68kb

    | ├──3. Loading VGG19 network.mp4 38.71M

    | ├──3. Loading VGG19 network.srt 9.04kb

    | ├──4. Loading and pre-processing the images.mp4 59.98M

    | ├──4. Loading and pre-processing the images.srt 16.04kb

    | ├──5. Building the neural network 1.mp4 108.26M

    | ├──5. Building the neural network 1.srt 23.87kb

    | ├──6. Building the neural network 2.mp4 79.50M

    | ├──6. Building the neural network 2.srt 15.33kb

    | ├──7. Building the neural network 3.mp4 92.60M

    | ├──7. Building the neural network 3.srt 20.62kb

    | ├──8. Building the neural network 4.mp4 71.87M

    | ├──8. Building the neural network 4.srt 15.56kb

    | ├──9. Training the neural network 1.mp4 75.07M

    | └──9. Training the neural network 1.srt 22.17kb

    ├──14. GANs (Generative adversarial networks)

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 25.16M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 5.30kb

    | ├──1.1 Homework solution.html 0.14kb

    | ├──1.2 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. HOMEWORK.html 0.53kb

    | ├──11. Homerwork solution.mp4 37.61M

    | ├──11. Homerwork solution.srt 6.85kb

    | ├──12. Additional reading.html 0.50kb

    | ├──2. GANs – intuition.mp4 61.19M

    | ├──2. GANs – intuition.srt 16.63kb

    | ├──3. Loading the dataset.mp4 95.75M

    | ├──3. Loading the dataset.srt 21.14kb

    | ├──4. Building the generator 1.mp4 106.83M

    | ├──4. Building the generator 1.srt 23.56kb

    | ├──5. Building the generator 2.mp4 48.88M

    | ├──5. Building the generator 2.srt 10.69kb

    | ├──6. Building the discriminator.mp4 64.64M

    | ├──6. Building the discriminator.srt 15.18kb

    | ├──7. Calculating the loss.mp4 51.01M

    | ├──7. Calculating the loss.srt 12.08kb

    | ├──8. Training the GAN 1.mp4 71.39M

    | ├──8. Training the GAN 1.srt 17.27kb

    | ├──9. Training the GAN 2.mp4 67.37M

    | └──9. Training the GAN 2.srt 16.22kb

    ├──15. Image segmentation

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 33.63M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 8.57kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Segmentation in videos 2.mp4 44.15M

    | ├──10. Segmentation in videos 2.srt 8.14kb

    | ├──11. HOMEWORK.html 0.40kb

    | ├──12. Homerwork solution.mp4 30.59M

    | ├──12. Homerwork solution.srt 4.51kb

    | ├──13. Additional reading.html 0.68kb

    | ├──2. Image segmentation – intuition.mp4 61.98M

    | ├──2. Image segmentation – intuition.srt 14.32kb

    | ├──3. Downloading the repository.mp4 24.28M

    | ├──3. Downloading the repository.srt 6.08kb

    | ├──4. Importing the libraries(1).mp4 76.74M

    | ├──4. Importing the libraries.mp4 76.74M

    | ├──4. Importing the libraries.srt 16.57kb

    | ├──5. Loading the pre-trained neural network(1).mp4 53.58M

    | ├──5. Loading the pre-trained neural network.mp4 53.58M

    | ├──5. Loading the pre-trained neural network.srt 13.63kb

    | ├──6. Detecting objects.mp4 100.05M

    | ├──6. Detecting objects.srt 15.68kb

    | ├──7. Removing the background 1.mp4 106.25M

    | ├──7. Removing the background 1.srt 17.35kb

    | ├──8. Removing the background 2.mp4 44.45M

    | ├──8. Removing the background 2.srt 8.99kb

    | ├──9. Segmentation in videos 1.mp4 56.26M

    | └──9. Segmentation in videos 1.srt 13.00kb

    ├──16. Final remarks

    | ├──1. Final remarks.mp4 17.70M

    | └──1. Final remarks.srt 4.36kb

    ├──2. Face detection

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 32.36M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 6.66kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Homework solution.mp4 17.01M

    | ├──10. Homework solution.srt 3.47kb

    | ├──11. HOG (Histrograms of Oriented Gradients) – intuition.mp4 73.12M

    | ├──11. HOG (Histrograms of Oriented Gradients) – intuition.srt 16.79kb

    | ├──12. Face detection with HOG and Dlib.mp4 75.01M

    | ├──12. Face detection with HOG and Dlib.srt 16.26kb

    | ├──13. Face detection with CNN and Dlib.mp4 36.83M

    | ├──13. Face detection with CNN and Dlib.srt 8.52kb

    | ├──14. HOMEWORK – Haarcascade x HOG x CNN.html 0.52kb

    | ├──15. Homework solution.mp4 36.33M

    | ├──15. Homework solution.srt 8.05kb

    | ├──16. Anaconda and PyCharm.mp4 14.27M

    | ├──16. Anaconda and PyCharm.srt 5.19kb

    | ├──17. Face detection on the webcam.mp4 59.25M

    | ├──17. Face detection on the webcam.srt 12.09kb

    | ├──18. Additional reading.html 1.18kb

    | ├──2. Images and pixels.mp4 29.25M

    | ├──2. Images and pixels.srt 6.41kb

    | ├──3. Cascade classifier – intuition.mp4 82.29M

    | ├──3. Cascade classifier – intuition.srt 14.09kb

    | ├──4. Loading and pre-processing the image.mp4 77.28M

    | ├──4. Loading and pre-processing the image.srt 18.50kb

    | ├──5. Face detection with Haarcascade and OpenCV.mp4 108.63M

    | ├──5. Face detection with Haarcascade and OpenCV.srt 19.01kb

    | ├──6. Haarcascades parameters 1.mp4 83.33M

    | ├──6. Haarcascades parameters 1.srt 10.83kb

    | ├──7. Haarcascades parameters 2.mp4 104.87M

    | ├──7. Haarcascades parameters 2.srt 13.43kb

    | ├──8. Eye detection with haarcascades.mp4 130.24M

    | ├──8. Eye detection with haarcascades.srt 15.25kb

    | └──9. HOMERWORK – detecting other objects.html 0.60kb

    ├──3. Face recognition

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 16.04M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 7.24kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Detecting facial points.mp4 97.90M

    | ├──10. Detecting facial points.srt 16.56kb

    | ├──11. Detecting facial descriptors 1.mp4 104.80M

    | ├──11. Detecting facial descriptors 1.srt 20.82kb

    | ├──12. Detecting facial descriptors 2.mp4 124.79M

    | ├──12. Detecting facial descriptors 2.srt 22.52kb

    | ├──13. Calculating distances between faces.mp4 119.32M

    | ├──13. Calculating distances between faces.srt 19.85kb

    | ├──14. Recognizing faces with Dlib 1.mp4 87.22M

    | ├──14. Recognizing faces with Dlib 1.srt 16.43kb

    | ├──15. Recognizing faces with Dlib 2.mp4 28.88M

    | ├──15. Recognizing faces with Dlib 2.srt 5.64kb

    | ├──16. HOMEWORK.html 0.62kb

    | ├──17. Homework solution.mp4 42.29M

    | ├──17. Homework solution.srt 9.17kb

    | ├──18. Face recognition on the webcam.mp4 40.58M

    | ├──18. Face recognition on the webcam.srt 7.86kb

    | ├──19. Additional reading.html 1.15kb

    | ├──2. LBPH algorithm – intuition.mp4 35.87M

    | ├──2. LBPH algorithm – intuition.srt 13.11kb

    | ├──3. Loading the faces dataset.mp4 59.10M

    | ├──3. Loading the faces dataset.srt 14.02kb

    | ├──4. Preprocessing the images.mp4 98.38M

    | ├──4. Preprocessing the images.srt 22.28kb

    | ├──5. Training the LBPH classifier.mp4 21.73M

    | ├──5. Training the LBPH classifier.srt 6.29kb

    | ├──6. Recognizing faces with LBPH.mp4 48.13M

    | ├──6. Recognizing faces with LBPH.srt 11.74kb

    | ├──7. Evaluating the LBPH classifier.mp4 70.61M

    | ├──7. Evaluating the LBPH classifier.srt 15.75kb

    | ├──8. LBPH parameters.mp4 20.98M

    | ├──8. LBPH parameters.srt 6.56kb

    | ├──9. LBPH parameters – implementation.mp4 31.70M

    | └──9. LBPH parameters – implementation.srt 6.21kb

    ├──4. Object tracking

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 26.29M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 6.75kb

    | ├──2. Object tracking vs. object detection.mp4 28.66M

    | ├──2. Object tracking vs. object detection.srt 8.17kb

    | ├──3. KCF and CSRT algorithms.mp4 49.43M

    | ├──3. KCF and CSRT algorithms.srt 10.56kb

    | ├──4. Object tracking with KCF.mp4 100.81M

    | ├──4. Object tracking with KCF.srt 20.54kb

    | ├──5. Object tracking with CSRT.mp4 22.13M

    | ├──5. Object tracking with CSRT.srt 3.29kb

    | ├──6. HOMEWORK.html 0.48kb

    | ├──7. Homework solution.mp4 46.39M

    | ├──7. Homework solution.srt 6.81kb

    | └──8. Additional reading.html 0.77kb

    ├──5. Neural networks for image classification

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 12.78M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 5.47kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──1.2 Homework solution.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Hidden layer activation 2.mp4 17.28M

    | ├──10. Hidden layer activation 2.srt 6.50kb

    | ├──11. Output layer activation.mp4 19.43M

    | ├──11. Output layer activation.srt 7.24kb

    | ├──12. Error calculation (loss function).mp4 22.25M

    | ├──12. Error calculation (loss function).srt 7.12kb

    | ├──13. Basic algorithm.mp4 10.59M

    | ├──13. Basic algorithm.srt 6.55kb

    | ├──14. Gradient descent and derivative.mp4 46.27M

    | ├──14. Gradient descent and derivative.srt 13.90kb

    | ├──15. Output layer delta.mp4 21.47M

    | ├──15. Output layer delta.srt 8.59kb

    | ├──16. Hidden layer delta.mp4 32.27M

    | ├──16. Hidden layer delta.srt 10.70kb

    | ├──17. Backpropagation and learning rate.mp4 21.25M

    | ├──17. Backpropagation and learning rate.srt 10.79kb

    | ├──18. Weight update with backprogation 1.mp4 31.44M

    | ├──18. Weight update with backprogation 1.srt 9.48kb

    | ├──19. Weight update with backprogation 2.mp4 35.76M

    | ├──19. Weight update with backprogation 2.srt 12.39kb

    | ├──2. Biological fundamentals.mp4 56.68M

    | ├──2. Biological fundamentals.srt 9.02kb

    | ├──20. Bias, error and multiple outputs.mp4 61.68M

    | ├──20. Bias, error and multiple outputs.srt 17.41kb

    | ├──21. Hidden layers.mp4 35.73M

    | ├──21. Hidden layers.srt 17.85kb

    | ├──22. Output layer with categorical data.mp4 26.44M

    | ├──22. Output layer with categorical data.srt 7.02kb

    | ├──23. Stochastic gradient descent.mp4 25.49M

    | ├──23. Stochastic gradient descent.srt 8.35kb

    | ├──24. Deep learning.mp4 12.26M

    | ├──24. Deep learning.srt 5.19kb

    | ├──25. Pixels and neural networks.mp4 30.28M

    | ├──25. Pixels and neural networks.srt 9.45kb

    | ├──26. Importing the libraries.mp4 18.57M

    | ├──26. Importing the libraries.srt 6.96kb

    | ├──27. Extracting pixels from images 1.mp4 67.13M

    | ├──27. Extracting pixels from images 1.srt 17.12kb

    | ├──28. Extracting pixels from images 2.mp4 59.28M

    | ├──28. Extracting pixels from images 2.srt 15.49kb

    | ├──29. Extracting pixels from images 3.mp4 48.24M

    | ├──29. Extracting pixels from images 3.srt 10.85kb

    | ├──3. Artificial neuron.mp4 26.24M

    | ├──3. Artificial neuron.srt 11.65kb

    | ├──30. Extracting pixels from images 4.mp4 47.23M

    | ├──30. Extracting pixels from images 4.srt 11.68kb

    | ├──31. Normalizing the data.mp4 18.44M

    | ├──31. Normalizing the data.srt 6.22kb

    | ├──32. Creating the train and test sets.mp4 21.99M

    | ├──32. Creating the train and test sets.srt 8.28kb

    | ├──33. Building and training the neural network.mp4 64.21M

    | ├──33. Building and training the neural network.srt 18.50kb

    | ├──34. Evaluating the neural network.mp4 62.39M

    | ├──34. Evaluating the neural network.srt 18.95kb

    | ├──35. Saving and loading the network.mp4 37.65M

    | ├──35. Saving and loading the network.srt 10.55kb

    | ├──36. Classifying one single image.mp4 34.27M

    | ├──36. Classifying one single image.srt 9.62kb

    | ├──37. Extracting features from images.mp4 56.88M

    | ├──37. Extracting features from images.srt 17.53kb

    | ├──38. Feature extraction with OpenCV 1.mp4 31.63M

    | ├──38. Feature extraction with OpenCV 1.srt 9.65kb

    | ├──39. Feature extraction with OpenCV 2.mp4 97.49M

    | ├──39. Feature extraction with OpenCV 2.srt 22.43kb

    | ├──4. Perceptron.mp4 35.13M

    | ├──4. Perceptron.srt 15.35kb

    | ├──40. Feature extraction with OpenCV 3.mp4 54.64M

    | ├──40. Feature extraction with OpenCV 3.srt 10.27kb

    | ├──41. Feature extraction with OpenCV 4.mp4 53.68M

    | ├──41. Feature extraction with OpenCV 4.srt 9.54kb

    | ├──42. Feature extraction with OpenCV 5.mp4 56.79M

    | ├──42. Feature extraction with OpenCV 5.srt 10.82kb

    | ├──43. Creating the train and test sets.mp4 23.86M

    | ├──43. Creating the train and test sets.srt 5.93kb

    | ├──44. Building and training the neural network.mp4 40.03M

    | ├──44. Building and training the neural network.srt 10.96kb

    | ├──45. Evaluating the neural network.mp4 37.66M

    | ├──45. Evaluating the neural network.srt 12.74kb

    | ├──46. Saving, loading and classifying one single image.mp4 31.42M

    | ├──46. Saving, loading and classifying one single image.srt 8.84kb

    | ├──47. HOMEWORK.html 0.58kb

    | ├──48. Homework solution.mp4 60.27M

    | ├──48. Homework solution.srt 15.73kb

    | ├──49. Additional reading.html 1.00kb

    | ├──5. Weight update 1.mp4 42.07M

    | ├──5. Weight update 1.srt 18.68kb

    | ├──6. Weight update 2.mp4 52.90M

    | ├──6. Weight update 2.srt 21.56kb

    | ├──7. Introduction to multilayer neural networks.mp4 11.59M

    | ├──7. Introduction to multilayer neural networks.srt 5.98kb

    | ├──8. Activation functions.mp4 14.96M

    | ├──8. Activation functions.srt 8.25kb

    | ├──9. Hidden layer activation 1.mp4 21.58M

    | └──9. Hidden layer activation 1.srt 7.74kb

    ├──6. Convolutional neural networks for image classification

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 8.11M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 3.50kb

    | ├──1.1 Homework solution.html 0.14kb

    | ├──1.2 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Building and training the neural network.mp4 85.79M

    | ├──10. Building and training the neural network.srt 21.13kb

    | ├──11. Evaluating the neural network.mp4 52.35M

    | ├──11. Evaluating the neural network.srt 12.77kb

    | ├──12. Saving and loading the network.mp4 18.56M

    | ├──12. Saving and loading the network.srt 4.39kb

    | ├──13. Classifying one single image.mp4 28.71M

    | ├──13. Classifying one single image.srt 10.23kb

    | ├──14. HOMEWORK.html 0.73kb

    | ├──15. Homework solution.mp4 68.98M

    | ├──15. Homework solution.srt 15.82kb

    | ├──16. Additional reading.html 1.05kb

    | ├──2. Introduction to convolutional neural networks.mp4 51.86M

    | ├──2. Introduction to convolutional neural networks.srt 11.68kb

    | ├──3. Convolutional operation.mp4 37.10M

    | ├──3. Convolutional operation.srt 14.99kb

    | ├──4. Pooling.mp4 23.02M

    | ├──4. Pooling.srt 8.51kb

    | ├──5. Flattening.mp4 57.91M

    | ├──5. Flattening.srt 10.51kb

    | ├──6. Dense neural network.mp4 40.22M

    | ├──6. Dense neural network.srt 8.21kb

    | ├──7. Importing the libraries.mp4 19.59M

    | ├──7. Importing the libraries.srt 5.69kb

    | ├──8. Loading the images.mp4 28.66M

    | ├──8. Loading the images.srt 7.36kb

    | ├──9. Creating the train and test dataset.mp4 69.23M

    | └──9. Creating the train and test dataset.srt 17.39kb

    ├──7. Transfer learning and fine tuning

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 9.98M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 3.70kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──1.2 Homework solution.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Fine tuning – implementation and evaluation.mp4 45.76M

    | ├──10. Fine tuning – implementation and evaluation.srt 8.85kb

    | ├──11. Saving, loading and classifying one single image.mp4 19.67M

    | ├──11. Saving, loading and classifying one single image.srt 4.94kb

    | ├──12. HOMEWORK.html 0.73kb

    | ├──13. Homework solution.mp4 66.45M

    | ├──13. Homework solution.srt 15.39kb

    | ├──14. Additional reading.html 0.57kb

    | ├──2. Transfer learning – intuition.mp4 37.04M

    | ├──2. Transfer learning – intuition.srt 10.28kb

    | ├──3. Importing the libraries and dataset.mp4 30.81M

    | ├──3. Importing the libraries and dataset.srt 8.29kb

    | ├──4. Creating the train and test dataset.mp4 21.26M

    | ├──4. Creating the train and test dataset.srt 5.91kb

    | ├──5. Pre-trained neural network.mp4 98.67M

    | ├──5. Pre-trained neural network.srt 19.29kb

    | ├──6. Creating the custom dense layer.mp4 48.86M

    | ├──6. Creating the custom dense layer.srt 11.82kb

    | ├──7. Building and training the neural network.mp4 46.64M

    | ├──7. Building and training the neural network.srt 9.56kb

    | ├──8. Evaluating the neural network.mp4 32.90M

    | ├──8. Evaluating the neural network.srt 9.01kb

    | ├──9. Fine tuning – intuition.mp4 14.83M

    | └──9. Fine tuning – intuition.srt 4.22kb

    ├──8. Neural networks for classification of emotions

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 29.94M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 6.20kb

    | ├──1.1 Homerwork solution.html 0.14kb

    | ├──1.2 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. HOMEWORK.html 0.65kb

    | ├──11. Homework solution.mp4 38.74M

    | ├──11. Homework solution.srt 9.15kb

    | ├──12. Additional reading.html 0.63kb

    | ├──2. Importing the libraries and images.mp4 38.01M

    | ├──2. Importing the libraries and images.srt 9.00kb

    | ├──3. Creating the train and test dataset.mp4 25.94M

    | ├──3. Creating the train and test dataset.srt 6.75kb

    | ├──4. Building and training the neural network.mp4 113.09M

    | ├──4. Building and training the neural network.srt 21.29kb

    | ├──5. Saving and loading the model.mp4 15.06M

    | ├──5. Saving and loading the model.srt 2.71kb

    | ├──6. Evaluating the neural network.mp4 30.30M

    | ├──6. Evaluating the neural network.srt 8.25kb

    | ├──7. Classifying one single image.mp4 43.13M

    | ├──7. Classifying one single image.srt 12.48kb

    | ├──8. Classifying multiple images.mp4 66.16M

    | ├──8. Classifying multiple images.srt 11.93kb

    | ├──9. Classifying emotions in videos.mp4 89.48M

    | └──9. Classifying emotions in videos.srt 16.64kb

    └──9. Autoencoders

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.mp4 9.87M

    | ├──1. Plan of attack.srt 4.48kb

    | ├──1.1 Source code – Google Colab File.html 0.14kb

    | ├──1.2 Homework solution.html 0.14kb

    | ├──10. Convolutional autoencoders 1.mp4 37.47M

    | ├──10. Convolutional autoencoders 1.srt 10.20kb

    | ├──11. Convolutional autoencoders 2.mp4 126.74M

    | ├──11. Convolutional autoencoders 2.srt 26.68kb

    | ├──12. Convolutional autoencoders 3.mp4 64.81M

    | ├──12. Convolutional autoencoders 3.srt 11.09kb

    | ├──13. Convolutional autoencoders 4.mp4 60.49M

    | ├──13. Convolutional autoencoders 4.srt 12.98kb

    | ├──14. HOMEWORK.html 0.80kb

    | ├──15. Homework solution.mp4 94.26M

    | ├──15. Homework solution.srt 17.70kb

    | ├──16. Additional reading.html 0.70kb

    | ├──2. Autoencoders – intuition.mp4 27.89M

    | ├──2. Autoencoders – intuition.srt 10.90kb

    | ├──3. Importing the libraries and dataset.mp4 32.46M

    | ├──3. Importing the libraries and dataset.srt 9.20kb

    | ├──4. Visualizing the images.mp4 60.16M

    | ├──4. Visualizing the images.srt 13.49kb

    | ├──5. Preprocessing the images.mp4 26.26M

    | ├──5. Preprocessing the images.srt 8.29kb

    | ├──6. Building and training a linear autoencoder.mp4 61.57M

    | ├──6. Building and training a linear autoencoder.srt 16.33kb

    | ├──7. Encoding the images.mp4 54.50M

    | ├──7. Encoding the images.srt 12.18kb

    | ├──8. Decoding the images.mp4 53.11M

    | ├──8. Decoding the images.srt 12.48kb

    | ├──9. Encoding and decoding the test images.mp4 62.15M

    | └──9. Encoding and decoding the test images.srt 13.66kb

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